
665 Johnson Street
Alpena, MI 49707
Office Hours:
11 – 3 M and F
9 – 1 T and TH
Closed Wednesday
Welcome to ALL, The Association of Lifelong Learners is a volunteer-driven organization which is open to people of all ages. ALL’s mission is to sponsor, promote and encourage educational and enrichment experiences for the people of northeast Michigan; to provide community benefit by offering educational programs  and social activities covering a broad range of topics which provide intellectual stimulation beneficial to individuals and the community.
ALL is located on the campus of the Alpena Community College in Alpena Michigan,  ALL was Initially founded in 1998 for people fifty years of age or older. ALL is now a nonprofit that sponsors, promotes and encourarges lifelong educational and enrichment experiences for people of all ages in northeast Michigan. We now welcome all adults.  We realize that young people in today’s culture often miss out on the advantages of interacting with older people like they used to in days gone by.  The Association is now a non-profit which is open to members of all ages and intergenerational activities are enthusiastically promoted. Some evening classes are being added so that young working people are able to attend.  The Association avidly promotes the love of lifelong learning across age boundaries.

 For more information look at the website membership page and feel free to call the number listed above during the office hours or send an email to all@alpenacc.edu

ALL Organization

The Association of Lifelong Learners  has a board of directors which manages the functioning of the group. The ALL board meets monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at 9:00am at the M. Briggs building.  This dedicated group of volunteers makes sure that there are programs being planned for the coming month, volunteers to assist in providing the programs, equipment available for them, relationships are created with area organizations, and that there are resources available to make them happen.  All of the ingredients necessary for a high quality educational organization.  We would love to have your skills to help us provide even more outcomes.

ALL has one part-time staff person.


Currently the all board includes,

ALL Executive Board March 2025




ALL’s office is in the Madeline Briggs building (“NorthWood University Alpena Program Center”on the map below)  on the Alpena Community College Campus.  It is to the right as you come fro US 23 North, just beyond the Besser Museum and the main entrance to ACC.  There is a sign by the road, and immediately beyond the parking lot entrance is the  Van Lare Hall.

Below, find a link to the map of the ACC Alpena campus.


[pdf-embedder url=”https://associationoflifelonglearners.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/alpena_campus_map_Briggs.pdf”]